How Can Online Stores Drive Organic Traffic Through SEO?

Drive Organic Traffic Through SEO

SEO presents a low-hanging fruit opportunity for e-commerce companies. When creating online storefronts, search engines are given little to no consideration, despite the fact that SEO offers one of the best returns on investment (ROI) of any eCommerce marketing endeavor.

Many people instead rely on social media or sponsored advertisements, which can be excellent for businesses but frequently demand a constant effort and source of cash. Every year, businesses invest billions of dollars in advertising, and this expense is only rising.

On the other hand, SEO mainly demands effort upfront, but if you rank, you can effectively generate sales without any ongoing costs. Understanding SEO best practices can help your eCommerce firm change and grow in light of this.

Making sure your keywords are in the appropriate places is the main focus of on-page SEO for eCommerce systems. It helps to ensure that Google understands exactly what your page is about. Because it aids in your appearance in additional Search Engine Results Page (SERP) elements, on-page SEO is crucial.

Here are a few of the components which affect SERP ranking:

Study of keywords for e-commerce

The very first stage in any e-commerce SEO effort is keyword research. If you do this incorrectly, you will either target keywords that are too competitive or fail to reach page one. You’ll be ranked for keywords that don’t drive traffic or result in sales.

These two possibilities are both undesirable; thus, conducting eCommerce keyword research is crucial. By doing so, you may choose to target phrases that are simple to rank for, have a respectable amount of search traffic, and have high conversion rates.

But choosing keywords involves more than just considering how hard they are to rank for or how many people use them.

Check to see if you are selecting the appropriate keywords.

You most likely won’t have keyword information for the terms you chose unless you utilize a service like Ahrefs. To choose which keywords to utilize, you must consider keyword difficulty, search volume, and buyer intent.

You can acquire an approximate estimate of search volume and CPC using Google Keyword Planner to ascertain buyer intent. It does not, however, provide you with spread or keyword difficulty (KD).

Consider developing a keyword matrix if you’re serious about improving your SEO and maximizing the spread of your keywords.

To rapidly select the ideal keywords to utilize on each of your pages, organize your spreadsheet and search through relevant phrases using a keyword matrix. It is dependent on search volume, or KD.

For keyword research, use Amazon

Given that most searches on Amazon are made with the intention of making a purchase, for keywords with high buyer intention, Amazon is a treasure trove.

Start putting your seed term into Amazon to find keywords. As a result, Amazon will spit out ideas for auto fill. Put all of these keyword suggestions in a Google spreadsheet for subsequent use.

As you may expect, this could take a while if you have hundreds or thousands of products. The Amazon Keyword Tool can help with that.

For each keyword you enter, this program automatically scrapes Amazon’s auto fill choices. After every search, cross off all the terms and add them to your list.

By researching competitors, find keywords

You can leverage the websites of your rivals if they appear higher in search results than you do to get keyword suggestions. Enter your keyword into Google first, then select a rival and look through their category and product pages for potential keywords.

Remember that there are additional things to consider, such as domain authority, before using the same keyword as your rivals just because they outrank you.

Breadcrumbs, a sophisticated navigation feature that aids Google in crawling and indexing your site, should also be taken into account. By entering your site into Google, you can determine whether your breadcrumbs are set up appropriately.

You can uncover keyword opportunities
Online store product pages

Ahrefs is a superb SEO tool all around. It is useful for many things, including keyword research, competitor analysis; back link development, and more. You may view built-out reports of keyword rankings on your site and those of your competitors using its simple methodology, enabling you to evaluate how you compare and where you can improve.

Online product pages are possibly the most crucial sites to rank the product and category pages. They get immediate access to all of your products in that category if someone sees them on Google. The following areas need to have your target keyword in order to successfully optimize these pages:

At the URL
During the title tag

It’s easy to raise search ranks by including your main keyword in the URL. This is crucial for companies doing business in more cutthroat markets because optimized URLs provide you with an extra advantage over rival websites and help you generate more visitors.

Additionally, you can alter them to use any keyword that would improve the ranks of your category pages.

The keyword should appear as early as feasible in the page title tag, also known as the H1 element. This helps you gain natural search engine positioning for the title tag while promoting the page’s main themes.

In the body
Alt text for an image

Where things become, a little tricky is in the body copy. Most of the category pages skip the preamble and jump right to the products, which isn’t ideal for Google.

It would be better to strive for an intro of at least 300 words, with your keyword appearing at least twice.

Google relies on the alt text to understand what the image is and what it contains because it cannot read images. Your keyword can be used again in the image alt text, which increases your chances of appearing in Google image search results.

Content promotion

One of the simplest strategies for your e-commerce company to rank for more keywords and develop back links is to produce quality content. Think about how few keywords product and category pages may rank for. You are unable to cover any more search real estate once you have used them all up.

These holes can be filled in with content. Long-tail and short-tail keywords related to your industry can now be ranked. It can be simpler to develop links to your site to raise its domain authority and increase traffic, which will ultimately lead to more sales.

Worried how to get SEO done for your online business? We are here for you! SKS Digital Media Solutions is a leading SEO service provider with a competent and experienced team! We have in-depth knowledge of all the best SEO practices that will help drive organic traffic to your online store. Contact us for more details.